Monday, July 19, 2010

God working through us!

Just wanted to expand a bit on my post from yesterday.  This morning I sat on the deck, listening to the birds, sipping my tea and watching a thunderstorm approach our area as I had my time with our Lord.  Currently, I am doing a study called Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby.  Hopefully by my sharing a blurb from this study, you will be able to experience my excitement, humbleness and awe...
  "When god purposes to do something through you, the assignment will have God-sized dimensions.  This is because God wants to reveal Himself to you and to those around you.  If you can do the work in your own strength, people will not come to know God.  However, if God works through you to do what only He can do, you and those around you will come to know Him. 
the god-sized dimensions of an assignment from god create a crisis of belief.  You must believe God is who He says He is and that He can and will do what He says He will do.  When you obey Him, you must allow Him to do what He has said.  He is the One who accomplishes the assignment, but He does it through you."
"Only in the active obedience did Moses begin to experience the full nature of God.  Moses could believe in God while living in the wilderness, but he began to dramatically experience God only when he went to Egypt as God had commanded.  What he began to know about God grew from his obedience to God.  In Moses' life we cans see this pattern of God speaking, Moses obeying, and God accomplishing what He purposed to do."

Now, I'm not thinking I'm like Moses or anything...but I do know that my attending the She Speaks is from God.  We have no financial resources--God provided!  There was a potential scheduling conflict with work--God provided!  I have had no formal education regarding writing and speaking--God doesn't care--for I will truly be able to give all and any credit to Him.  My mode of transportation to the conference--air travel--God provided.  I have a bit of anxiety--God keeps saying, "Keep your eyes on ME and I will lead you."

Thanks for letting me share my morning off for a 7 hour car ride....more stories to come...

1 comment:

randee said...

hi kim - i came over from the she speaks connections comment page.

this will be my first time at she speaks, too. actually, i'm doing the she leads track. i'm a breast cancer survivor & i'm looking forward to meeting you. hope i get to :)

blessings -