Monday, August 15, 2011

As you may have guessed by my lack of blog entries, something is up.  For some reason, time has been in short supply and my days seem to be flying.  Mostly I have been doing good things, but I sure miss writing and connecting with my bloggersville friends. 

I sit here and think about what to write, what to share...
The words which were once so easy, are hiding...
It reminds me of the awkward silence often experienced when we allow too much time and distance in relationships.

So, today I'll start with "HI!"
And we will see what tomorrow shall bring...


Unknown said...

you will start with 'HI' and I will comment with what I told my 22 year old the other day in response to her and her long time friend who she was worried their friendship had suffered.. I told her, "a true friendship, when it is true, doesn't matter how long you are apart when you are together it is like you never were apart!"

I hope and pray you are well that is all my dear, that is all!

Elayne said...

Hi there Kim! Look forward to hearing from you soon :)

Mary Aalgaard said...

Hi back. Sometimes you need to start with a few words and images. See you again, soon.