Sunday, October 18, 2009

Transitions and morning walk ponderings

Hi everyone! Well, it had been my hope when I started this blog to be a bit more attentive with posts a few times a week, but life kind of got in my way. For the last 6 weeks we have been blessed with having our oldest daughter, her husband and her little guy living with us. What a treat. There is nothing like hearing the giggles of a 4 month old in the morning. Yesterday they took off to follow their dreams. Although our hearts are sad at their leaving, we support and encourage them in this new exciting journey! Our house is quiet! Kelsey had the unfortunate luck of getting H1N1 and thankfully is recuperating nicely. Ferlin and I have the sniffles and scratchy throat, trying like crazy to not succumb to any of the "bad" bugs. As promised (or warned--depending on how you look at it)...I will be sharing short little stories on my ponderings through this healing journey. Here is something I came up with after my walk the other morning. It is a bit "rough" and needs some refining in the writing department--but wanted to share with you, so here it always I would love to hear your comments.

It’s hard to believe that when I took our dogs to their kennel the other morning our calendar said October, as we were having the most beautiful snowfall. (Yes, I did say snow and beauty in the same sentence.) I quickly put on my walking gear and set out for my morning walk. I was in such a hurry to enjoy the snowfall that I forgot my IPod at home. It was the stillness of the morning that helped me to hear God’s whisper to me. After walking a few blocks, I noticed I was leaving a path of fresh footprints; I couldn't help but think how these footprints reminded me not only of my breast cancer journey, but also the path of life. Along my breast cancer journey path, like my path that morning-- there was only one set of prints, a journey only I could walk. On my walk I soon came across a spot where there many sets of footprints together—a reminder of walking along the path with the support of many friends and family. My walk gave me time to think about how at times during the breast cancer journey my footprints were invisible, for I was being carried, too weak to walk by myself. By the time I returned home, the footprints that had started my journey were being covered by some fresh new snow. A reminder to me that at the end of life all of our footprints will be covered, yet what an amazing impact and opportunity we have NOW to let our footprints not only walk our path but also touch the lives of others that God has along our path. The footprints you and I leave will be cherished forever. Where have your footprints been today?

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