Monday, August 1, 2011

To Pink Or Not??

On my desk I keep a sticky note with possible blog titles and/or topics.  One of the titles I had listed for a future topic was "to pink or not?"  Today, in my inbox was  a blog piece by fellow blogger Brenda and I thought...hmmmm....I could write a piece with my thoughts on pink awareness/breast cancer/etc but why would I want to reinvent the wheel, especially when Brenda did such a great job?  So, if you have time, check out Brenda's excellent blog piece  at Breast Cancer Sisterhood.


Unknown said...

I am off to check it out! :) thnx

Marie said...

Yes, Brenda's post is very insightful indeed and I couldn't say it better myself. I wrote about this subject last October, but since then the blogosphere has exploded with far more insightful and well researched posts than I could ever write!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Picture this: I'm sitting at my coomputer wearing my Race for the Cure t-shirt because I threw it on for my morning walk. Must have felt your connection.

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Hmmm...I really like "To Pink or Not." Even if there are other writers who have written about something similar, your take is going to be unique, Kim. I would go with it, really! :)

nancyspoint said...

I agree with Roxane, your take will surely be unique, Kim. I hope you decide to jump in! I liked Brenda's post too. I do believe our rumblings are starting to be heard.

Karen Barnhart said...

Excellent article. Thanks for directing me to it. I have seriously wondered about the "pink thing" when I saw ribbons on products that do not encourage good health. We are all well aware of Breast Cancer (it is no longer a terrible secret), so all monies should be targeted to the cure and the cure alone. I wonder if the CEO ever thinks that part of his/her large salary should be going to research. I also question if the goal now is to grow the "business" of Komen instead of helping the people.