Monday, May 9, 2011

Dancing with Mr. NED!

Thanks for your prayers! I am so blessed to still be dancing with Mr NED! (No Evidence of Disease) Today's PET scan was clear! Again, thanks everyone!


nancyspoint said...

I am so glad your scan was clear!! Do you have a yearly scan now? My onc says I won't be having scans??? Also, I am very glad you share this stuff. That's the purpose of blogging isn't it? And life really?? Helping others through the rough stuff as well as sharing the good, that's what it's all about. So thanks for sharing!

Maryann said...

Hooray! I've been waiting for you to post the results. Keep on dancing girl!

Elayne said...

OK, I have never heard of "Mr. Ned"! That was hilarious. So very happy for you Kim and can't wait to hear about the writers conference!