Monday, September 27, 2010

Living Life??

So, this morning, I was pondering on my last two posts and thinking some more about the living life question.  Before I share some thoughts, I want to clarify (in case you don't know me well)--I tend to be a bit of an overachiever and set my standards pretty high on most things.  Take for example the other day.  It was my turn to bring goodies to our women's lifeserve group.  I was craving caramel apples.  Since I worked all day and limited on time, I could have purchased prepared caramel dip and sliced apples....but, no, I went home and made homemade caramel dip and sliced the apples.  (Yes, I think the homemade tastes better, but really-- I could have saved some time and stress.)(Plus, I burned the first batch, so I had to make a second batch.)

Today, I found myself asking the this moment enough?  Can going to work, making supper, cleaning up the house, taking a walk with my husband, driving my daughter to dance and writing on my blog, be enough?  Do we always have to be pushing for something more?  This could be a critical question for those of us who may be experiencing survivor's guilt.  We think--God saved our lives, now I must do something or be something to make my life worthwhile.  But, maybe, just maybe...we are doing what is required of us?  Maybe just being kind to our loved ones, coworkers, people on the street is enough?...Maybe just getting up in the morning and attempting to put a smile on our face is enough? Maybe this is what Paul meant when he said in his letter to the Philippians "I am content in all things."

So, tonight finds me still striving and dreaming, yet at the same time...with contentment and peace--knowing that I am right where I am supposed to be!


Mary Aalgaard said...

Yay, for you! It is a curse that we all live with - to do more, not waste time. But, who is to say what is a waste. I cringe when women say they can't come to something because they have too much work to do, or they won't stay and linger over coffee and conversation because their chores and errands are calling. Isn't life about building relationships? Or, is a measure of a good life taken with a white glove test on our shelves and an inspection on how clean the house is, or how much money we earned. Relax and enjoy living!

JeMA said...

Kim, I loved your insight. It is such a truth that I too struggle with. When am I doing enough, being enough, producing enough? Ahh, to step back and know that I am enough, and I was the moment I was created. He is smiling just knowing we are His. I bet He is just smiling at you as you share your story and your journey.

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Kim, I'm going to share something I shared on a blog post once. It's a quote that came through an email of my dear friend Mary A. (see above). When I read this, I was transformed. It is so simple, but so true. As a mother of five, with each new life I've welcomed into the world, I have become less perfect. The cool thing is, I actually celebrate that now! It's okay to just BE. Some days, it's enough that I got my kids to school. So a shirt or two is wrinkled, there are strands of hairs sticking up on my boys' head, their socks are unmatched. What does this say about eternity, and will God really care when the day comes? Sometimes I get that dramatic about it: will this count in the end? More often than not the answer is not. That I am here and doing my best each day IS enough. For me and for you, friend.

“Our worth is in our being not our doing.”

Jan said...

Good morning Kim :) I just adore all of your posts!!! They are both inspirational and make me mindful of the important things in life ... the poem you posted a few posts back was awesome. With your blessings, I'd love to borrow it some day for one of my posts :)

I cannot thank you enough for all your advice you gave me yesterday. I had heard of the Biotien (spelling???), but I wasn't sure where to get it ... regular store??? I had not heard of the toothpast tho. I will definitely be in search for both! Ohhh and thanks so much for the suggestion on those "flushable wipes" cuz I'm experiencing the same; and at this moment, they sound quite nice :) You are a wonderful, amazing lady my dear and I thank you for everything :) I hope that this is a "feel good" day for you :) With love, hugs and prayers!!!!!

Marie said...

Oh Kim, this sure did ring true for me too! While I know I am in danger of generalizing, nevertheless through personal experience I have observed that many cancer survivors are high-achieving, driven, perfectionists :-) I wrote about this in my post The Myth of Perfectionism.

Jan said...

Oh Kim, honey, I can't thank you enough for coming back by w/that information yesterday!!! You my dear are such a sweeteart :) I found the Bioteen at Walgreens and the toothpaste was awesome ... much better than the regular I had been using and doing so in misery. Thank you my friend and God Bless :)

Running the race said...

Kim, as I recover from a D and C done yesterday afternoon do you know what I did this morning at 11:00 AM???? Cut the back grass because the doctor said resume your "normal" activity. And cutting the grass is "normal." However now that I am now finished I can say that was not the smartest thing I have done!

I say amen to your post. I also suffer from the "over achiever" syndrome thinking. I rationalize that one day I will not be on the earth and have so much to do while I am alive. The question always comes up are we working on the right things? Hugs my sister!