Sunday, June 27, 2010

Simply Saturday

Most Saturday mornings will find me in my jammies, cup of coffee in my hand and my bible on my lap.  This Saturday, I decided to fill my hubby's "love language" and ride to town with him, while he ran errands--Walmart, Sam's, etc.  I hate errands, so I asked to be dropped off at the Outdoor Campus.  They have nice trails that I love to run/walk.  As I proceeded on my run/walk routine, listening to my ipod, I started to get a bit dizzy (humidity was 97%).  I had a choice. I could continue to push with my set schedule or listen to my body and finish the route walking. I listened to my body and finished my route walking, listening to my ipod, just enjoying the morning.  Well, my hubby, wasn't finished with errands when I finished my walk/run, so I decided to rewalk the trail, only this time I walked it a bit differently.
I started where I ended and retraced my steps, took off the Ipod and did a pray walk.  I thought I would share with you parts of my prayer and how God met me in my morning walk.  

Oh, Father Lord, there is so much of this wooded path that reminds me of you!  The trees remind me of your strength.  The twists and turns of the path remind me how I have to keep  putting one foot in front of the other, trusting in You to guide me on this wonderful and amazing plan You have for me!.  

Dear Lord, As this King Toad was sitting in the middle of the path, I want to thank you for always be my protector and watching me on my life path. You are the greatest King!        

 Oh, Father, the dragon fly's eyes remind me that I need to keep my eyes on you. I know that when I keep my eyes on you, I experience true peace.

Look how many ant hills there are on this path...the little ants so busy running too and fro.  Is that what we look like to you Lord?  Lord, I want to be a worker like the ant, storing up for the winter, yet I don't want to be so busy that I miss You.  Please help me to find the balance needed in developing a strong and vibrant relationship with you!

As the fruit of mulberry tree lay scattered at my feet, Father, I wonder about the fruits of the spirit spoke about in Your Word.  Oh, how delicious the berries taste when they are ripe!  Thank you, Lord, for your continuing pruning of me, even when it hurts.  My prayer is that I bear Your fruit, not only so that I can enjoy in your sweetness, but that others may see Your sweet love.

     As I walk by this pond, I am reminded of my baptism and the washing away of my sins.  I am so sorry that it is so easy for me to forget. 

The beautiful robin with it's red breast reminds me of Christ's blood shed for me.  Lord, when the challenging times of life come and I ask "why?" please help me remember that the question I should be asking is "How can a God love His people so much that He sent His son to die for us?"  What a loving and remarkable gift you have given us!

This wooden bridge that I am crossing reminds me how everyday I have a choice...I can choose to cross the bridge to You!  To have a life full of peace, protection and abundance, growing more and more in my relationship with You.  Or, I can choose to stay where I am at...not a bad place, but missing You! (Lord, I choose YOU!!)

Wow, can you believe all the things I missed on the trail when I ran it with my ipod on...makes you wonder how much we miss of life.

I am so thankful for the blessing of the opportunity to slow down and experience a walk with MY FATHER!

How about you, when was the last time you experienced time alone with our Maker?


Anonymous said...

Oh Kim..I just love this post so much. I love first of all how you listened to your body and when you did, look at the blessing you got! And your prayer walk has inspired me so much that I have printed off your this post to take with me on my next nature walk - it will be a starting point for my own prayer walk. Thank you so much for sharing this with us xxx

Running the race said...

Kim, what a beautiful post. I am glad you rewalked your walk because looks like that is where God really spoke to you. I love the pictures on your walk! Especially the ants running to and fro..reminds me of me. Running in a circle and not knowing where you are going. And the King Toad! Very nice Kim :)

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Kim, a very powerful post. Your writing is growing in leaps and bounds. Just gorgeous! I really felt as if I were with you on that walk. I think I've taken walks like that before; when all of a sudden I became aware of what I had just been missing, and I take time to take it in anew. Those are beautiful moments indeed!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Beautiful images. Thanks for the walk.