Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday ponderings....

This morning as I think about the significance of today--Good Friday--my heart just aches, my soul weeps tears of anguish with the thought of the pain and suffering Christ went through on our behalf. I wonder when someone has wronged us, how do I act? I typically will act upset, feel betrayed, complain...

Lord, I am so sorry you had to go to the cross for me and I thank you...

Last year at this time I was actively going through chemotherapy. I remember reading an article on how for some of us it takes living a Good Friday experience to truly appreciate and understand the true celebration of Easter morning.

Now a year later I would have to say that I don’t know if we as humans will ever truly understand the sacrifice of Christ--but I do know that personally my depth of caring has deepened.

For any of you currently going through the challenges of a Good Friday experience in your life--may the promise of Christ’s resurrection bring hope and encouragement to you!


Sandra Heska King said...

I wish you hadn't had to face this Good Friday experience, but it's so true that the fires we go through increase our ability to comfort others in the midst of theirs. Blessings on your weekend.

Kerry ABOUT ME said...

Hey Kim,

You are so right. We can never fully understand what Jesus went through for us on that day. I remember watching the Passion of the Christ and being broken in spirit by just a movie depicting it. We've been through cancer though and we know the depiction of a trial is still nothing compared to the actual experience of it. Makes me shudder to think of all He went through and yet it makes me smile with all the love that brought him to it. May your Easter be filled with blessings and joy. Thanks for the wonderful post. I for one am going to thank Him again myself tonight in prayer for his amazing sacrifice.

Kerry Osborne