Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tonight wasn't really any different than any other night...My hubby and I ran a few errands, had supper and we came home.  Once home I checked my emails...and Facebook. The thing that makes tonight different...a post by someone on FB...a post that has shaken me...to my core. (I was unable to share a picture from the article, so just click on link below pink ribbon.)
9 Striking Portraits That Will Change The Way You View Breast Cancer Survivors

Oh, goodness, I wasn't prepared for my response nor my reactions. When I saw the pictures of these women, I was struck by their bravery. You see, I don't believe that I could share so openly.  I realized tonight, that like the pain I live with daily, I keep my scars  hidden...
to be seen by no one...
So now I am left with the question...can I be brave enough to shed my garments?
Time will tell...
Thanks for walking with me on this journey!